Imagine it! Vocabulary


I’ve spent the last couple of weeks working on all the lesson extras I would need for this move to second grade. A couple of days ago my colleagues asked me to contribute to creating PowerPoint reviews for the Imagine it! vocabulary (which is why this document starts on a weird unit). I’m pretty pleased with what I have come up with after using smart notebook exclusively for the last two years.

Click here to download

These are intended for introducing vocabulary by showing students with word and a picture associated with it. Students are then expected to come up with their own definition of the words based on prior knowledge, picture association, and buddy talk. After the class comes up with the definition, the teacher should show students the definition to compare to what the class came up with. I will use this with a vocabulary wall so that the words are displayed throughout the lessons. The next unit will be Unit 6, then I’ll go back from Getting Started to Unit 4.

Still waiting on word about where I’m going to end up, portable or classroom. If it’s not a portable then I may need to change the title of this blog. However, I’ll keep the tag line mainly because I think “portable learning” is pretty relevant to my moving around every year and I’d really like to make it a goal of having more frequent teachable moments outside of the classroom.


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