Crate Seats

I finally found out where I will be teaching on campus this year…. it’s [not] a hallway!

In lieu of being homeless for a little while there, I decided to decorate for my nonexistent classroom. Project crate seats commence! I saw these on pinterest and fell in love. This was actually a relatively easy project. Then came the staple gun part.

My dad has a ridiculously extensive tool collection. Which means I have everything I need for any  DIY project. Unfortunately, he also has a slight paranoia gene that means everything is under careful lock and key. So finding the staple gun was the easy part, but finding the actual staples were a whole ‘nother  story. After searching for what seemed like an hour, I gave up. Went down to the neighborhood ACE store and played the dumb girl card. Turns out even through I brought in the staple gun, the boys couldn’t help me out either. After a second search through the multiple tool boxes and merry-go-round of keys, I finally found the staples I needed. All in all make sure you have everything before starting any project, or it’ll last forever.


1. Buy crates. (I think walmart is the best option)

2. Bring crates to home depot or any other home improvement store and find some plywood that works well for how every many you want to make (I wanted six).

3. Ask the nice Home Depot man to measure and then cut pieces of plywood that will fit on the inside lip of the crate. (I had to take one piece and sand the edges because the inside of one of my crates had rounded corners.)

4. Find some fabric and sheet foam. (again, walmart for me) Cut the sheet foam so that you have two pieces per seat. One piece will be the same size as the plywood, the other slightly smaller.

5. Cut fabric longer all the way around the plywood. Somewhere before this step you need to find a staple gun *Make sure there are extra staples*

6. Staple while pulling the fabric tightly around each edge, cut some ribbon and form a loop then staple to the bottom of the seat.

7. Place on your crate and Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Crate Seats

  1. Wow this is soo cute! I have such a limited space in the apartment we are in now but I provide child care – this would be perfect for little seats around my house! Plus storing toys – you can never have enough storage space 😉 Thanks for sharing!

  2. So glad you found this helpful. Everything looks so much neater when you can’t see the mess 🙂 Let me know how it works out!

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